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Monday, December 24, 2012

The Escape Artist

Hey lovelies! Here's a video of some of my travel tips for your enjoyment! I know many of us are traveling this holiday season, and these are some tips I've put together from my own experiences :) In case the video is having trouble you can check it out directly on YouTube here!

And yes, you did hear correctly in the video, I'm flying out this season actually. My saying lately has been "Running away is never the solution, but it's a damn good band-aid!" I haven't shared where I'm going yet, but I will be updating the blog and you'll see it here :)

**Also, there will be a GIVEAWAY coming up with 10 WINNERS thanks to Jordana Cosmetics. The first 150 people to BOTH "like" our Facebook page AND become a Member of the blog (to join look on the right panel on the blog and scroll down until you see "join this blog/become a member") will automatically be entered to WIN. So stay tuned and spread the word because we will be promoting that over the next several weeks!!**

Alright, I'm currently up in the air and will be traveling for a couple days, so I'll check in with you guys whenever I settle in! Have a beautiful Holiday everyone, I'm sending you all lots of love!

xox ~ KB


  1. Even though this video didnt pertain to me in any way lol, seeing your smile got me through it. Keep up the good work.

    1. hahaha, well I'm glad you made it out the other end safe and sound, and I'll do what I can to keep your interest peaked :)
