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Friday, March 1, 2013

Favorite Looks: Nail Art

(Photos courtesy of

Hello loves! Happy Friday one and all!

I'm not sure if you all have noticed, but over the last year nail art has come back on trend in a big way. There are so many fun, creative, and beautiful designs out there now, and I'm always looking through them all on Pinterest with a slightly awed expression on my face. I mean, I can barely keep a steady hand enough to paint my nails with just a plain coat, much less do anything remotely artistic on top of that! I know there are some do-it-yourself nail art kits available, but truly, I'm just terrible at it and I'm fine with admitting it, lol. Can any of you guys do nail art?? Cheers to you if you can!

Anyways, here are a few of the designs that caught my eye, but there are SO many amazing designs, prints, and patterns out now that it was hard to decide which ones to showcase today! Pretty cool, huh?

Well kittens, it's now almost 2am that I'm writing, and I'm quite tired, so while you get your nail on, I'm gonna get my snooze on, lol. Sorry for my terrible jokes, it's very late.

xox ~ KB       


  1. Oh I love this post...painting the right hand is always a task for me! How I wish I were ambidextrous :) I like the silver strips, that looks doable.

    1. LOL me too, I'm awful at the right side, that's when it all goes down the drain haha! The silver strips do seem like a safe bet though ;)

  2. Omgosh these are really neat ideas! :D so pretty! <3
