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Friday, January 11, 2013

Madrid Diary, Part 2

My goodness it was cold in Madrid!! It's no wonder I've been sick this week! After spending our first week in Javea where it was warm and sunny, it was rather shocking to be tossed into the abrupt frigidity of Santander and Madrid. But, I love Madrid so much, that being able to be out in the city was worth enduring the chill for :) 

As you can see, Madrid is rich with history and beauty. We start at the Palacio Real (The Grand Palace) of the Spanish Royal Family, although they apparently only use it for official ceremonies. It's a stunning structure boasting plenty of Baroque architecture. Surrounding it is the Opera house and lovely fountain included in the Plaza Isabel II. 

You'll also see the Royal Cathedral where all the Royal weddings take place. How posh, no? Next is the former house of the Mayor, but it is no longer because it apparently was not large enough or something of that nature, lol. 

Finally we move to the magical Plaza Mayor with the stunning lights hung down, a carousel, and lots of dining and shopping. It felt like Christmas magic just being there! Of course I had to take a cheeky photo with a Real Madrid soccer jersey, that mannequin met its match in yours truly. We had a pose-off. I won. Some would say I only won because the mannequin is inanimate.... I say I won 'cause I pose like a BOSS! Clearly my cold meds have kicked in, I should wrap this up, for your sake, lol ;)

Well my darlings, that concludes my time in Spain! I hope you guys enjoyed following my travels a bit with the blog :) Now don't forget about our GIVEAWAY and to tell your friends! Here are the deets:

I am collaborating with Jordana Cosmetics for a big GIVEAWAY this month!! Here are the details: 
**There will be a GIVEAWAY in January with 10 WINNERS thanks to Jordana Cosmetics. The first 150 people to "like" our Facebook page AND become a Member of the blog (to join look on the right panel on the blog and scroll down until you see "join this blog/become a member") will automatically be entered to WIN. **

NOTE: You DO NOT have to create a Blogger account to join the blog!!! Just your email :) 

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